In India, in Mahrashtra there is a town named Thane, there are nearly 1,08,000 + unauthorized construction its a foolish and shameful miracle made by politicians, corporation, and few bad people, in US or in developed countries, there are this type of unauthorized construction?
The answer is no. so why its in Thane city, a small boy will tell the secret of unauthorized construction, but all commissioners, police force and Indian law, all are become blind? Is that in Indian law system is healthy, there are many laws but who cares, many people neglect court orders, is it democracy? Hardly 40 to 50 percent people are voting, others avoid voting, this is demoscracy? An intelligent man will laugh on voating because the candidate are not capable, those who are capable on muscle power and money power. That's why common man neglect coating, than many intelligent people tells through media you should vote but is that candidate is not corrupted, than intelligent mans answer is ready, he tells vote less corrupt man, if we will vote less corrupt man in future he will become more corrupt because of power, than what is solution, there is only one solution must made by law bad,corrupt people restrict from election, who will make this type law, corrupt people.its highly impossible, the revolution must be there and this revolution will not come through ballet box, but people must come on road without any political leader, at the time of 26/11 all people gathered on Gate way of India, this type of revolution must spread all over country.
This type of revolution is possible in India? Yes, now a days people openly talking against politicians, police etc. Politicians knows that enough because in next election people will definitely kick them, they entirely neglect voting, decreasing of voting percentage is not a democracy, now time will come when Supreme Court will concentrate at this point Supreme Court will take definitely action. But still Negative Voting is important, as a common man I suggest that on the voting machine there is special button must arrange for negative vote, if SC will make this type of law the revolution will come near.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Era of Thackeray

Today I heard Raj Thackeray's lecture in Thane, exactly nearly 40 years back I heard Mr.Bal Thackeray's speech, energy and force is really same, points are also same. Why? Who is responsible this question arise in many minds like me. But fact is fact, system important and mentality is responsible, the mentality of politicians of Maharashtra. They are always in position of dump and dumper about people of Maharashtra, they are like spineless chicken for last 60 years. Today Raj is becoming icon of young generation. If Raj will come on seat he will do? answer is yes, because of Bal Thackeray Marathi people has a voice in Maharashtra, when all leaders of other states are always attacking on Maharashtra everybody knows about this. Spineless leaders are the responsible for this. Now media is shouting there are no new points. Is that media people are behaving like a 'Bohairin'. Bohairn means who exchane some good against old cloth.. Boharian is always talk about new cloth, when you will give her lot of cloth after that she will always ask for more new cloth. 'Boharian' is a typical Marathi word.
Now people and young generation looking towards Raj. We will see about Raj's autograph and Bal Thackeray autograph. Raj's signature and Bal Thackeray signature are forceful both signatures tells us that Raj is going right way if Udhav will joint them, yes within few month they will join.
Now people and young generation looking towards Raj. We will see about Raj's autograph and Bal Thackeray autograph. Raj's signature and Bal Thackeray signature are forceful both signatures tells us that Raj is going right way if Udhav will joint them, yes within few month they will join.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Rahul Dravid

Yesterday I met Rahul Dravid at CCI, Braboron Stadium at the time of Ranji Trophy match between Karnataka and Saurashtra, unfourtanitely Karnataka lost this match today. But Yesterday I told Mr Avi Sule that Is that Rahul will give me 38 autogrphs on four bats, I told him that I want to do Exhabition in next month. So he agreed he introduced me Rahul Dravid I told Rhul about me, he agred within a second and within next ten minutes he gave those 38 autographs, Really Rahul is great, his autograph is so confident that he he will complete more centuries in future. He is so silent and desent like Sachin, I have Sachin Tendulkars 83 autographs for his 83 centuries. I have arranged exhibition of those autographs in Dombivili in next month.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Last three days i cannot write because that i dont know what they are doing, they are politicians or barking people. VD and NR fighting like a big bulls, its not fair for future of Mahrashtra. I am a common man but still i cannot find out what is the purpose of those people's life. All people are naked in the bathroom that everybody knows but this time bathroom is very very big and its main door is open for all. Now politicans eye on the elections which will held in few month. They have no care of people who are died for the country.They dont care if they will quarrel more time who will work for people. Now corruption spread to top bottom, Those people are working for not country but for their benefits. They cannot purchase bulletproof jackets without commission, this naked truth is spread all over world. Shoiviji Mahraj told few good things for the country, he was telling told his soldiers long back time that don't open seashore because enemy will attack from the sea. But our so called ruler neglected it still afther thane complet sea shore is open near Kalyan many ships are coming for sand they are destroying the natural resources for hteir benefits. Many newspapers are writing against it but everybody government people, police are neglecting it, because there is big political inteferance, if next time tarriost will come that way then government will start seeling the khadishore and this are. Now people must come on street for that. See what will happen in future.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Animal Farm
Long back I read a novel named “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. Today I saw another Animal Farm in Maharashtra, yes its perfect Animal Farm. Nobody don't want to think for common many now common man signed invisiable contract at Gate Way of India, I saw one poster says that” Politicians and Dogs are not allowed” This is the real opinion of common man. Today they are Quarrling for seats very badly, it looks shabby, may be somebody told that its routine and its unavoidable,common man looks those people like a dirty game, his opinion now is that anybody will come on chair he will suck the blood and tears of common man, the skin of those people is so thick that crocodile will laugh without tears. When you will read Animal Farm as common man may be you will become bore but you imagine faces of character with current faces you will enjoy the novel and after that you will think and criticise the society very sharply. All those people have no faces, all faces are equal, when you will see big group of sheep or donkeys you will get same experience, everything in white and grey. At last “Animal Farm” is live novel, its Orwell's skill or a skill for sheep and donkeys.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Today's Tamasha

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shard Pawar

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