Monday, December 29, 2008

Rahul Dravid

Yesterday I met Rahul Dravid at CCI, Braboron Stadium at the time of Ranji Trophy match between Karnataka and Saurashtra, unfourtanitely Karnataka lost this match today. But Yesterday I told Mr Avi Sule that Is that Rahul will give me 38 autogrphs on four bats, I told him that I want to do Exhabition in next month. So he agreed he introduced me Rahul Dravid I told Rhul about me, he agred within a second and within next ten minutes he gave those 38 autographs, Really Rahul is great, his autograph is so confident that he he will complete more centuries in future. He is so silent and desent like Sachin, I have Sachin Tendulkars 83 autographs for his 83 centuries. I have arranged exhibition of those autographs in Dombivili in next month.

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