Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today's Tamasha

Today Naryan Rane took press conferance angainst congress when congress sacked him. Everybody knows who is the gamer, the gamer is Shard Pawar. May be congress “I “will be finished in Mahrashtra. Last many years SP's eye on PM seat, Is that SP will become PM? The answer is NO, Is that SP will joint Shivsena, Is that he will joint Raj's MNS, suppose they helped him for PM post delhi lobby will not stay silent. There are many tpyes of weapons aginst SP, they will use them definately. From the Shivaji Mahraj's time till today Delhi is always against Mahrashtra. Now Naryan Rane knows who is the real gamer, but he is extremely against Vilasrao Deshmukh, he will not raised his eyebrow against SP, because he is perfectly knows the power and strength of SP. Nryan Rane will be destryoed the political carrier of VD. Naryan Rane's Signature and Vilasrao's signature shows vast difference among them, VD's signature shows lack of neetness, no planning, and confusion. But Naryan Ranes signature is small tiny and calculative mind. Now he is a owner of a newspaper, he definately blast everytime through his newspaper, Automatically he will enter in his readers house and theair hart. This is the plus point for Nryan Rane. Todays Naryan Rane is really different than past. He has weapon of media and he will use it like Samana.

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