Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sonia Gandhi

Yesterday, I told that vilasrao has few hours, but after 24 hours VD's resignation was accepted, why so late?,any reason?,Is that Sonia Gandhi under pressure or she wants more public support? Yes may be she wants more public suppport for VD's quit. At Gate way of India today a huge protest of VD, and its a plus point for Sonia Gandhi, she was surching only plust point against Vilasrao. Sonia Gandhi's signature shows more loops and curve, her signature has flow upwards, but all words closely interconnected, she is not firm like Indira Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi's signature shows less aggressivesness than Indira Gandhi. But in future Sonia's role in politics is becomes more active.She don't not wants to break more relations because she don't not wants many enemies her letters are very close and compact, she is not as crude as Indira Gandhi, its this is her minus point, politican must be active sometimes crude in important matter. I think so she must attack on Pakistan by cold war.

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